季尾清貨折上折 Extra Sale 2021
【季尾清貨折上折 】
全場清貨折上折,入手掃貨Best Time🛍🛍🛍!由即日起至4月30日, 門市或網店有多款低至3折貨品,全場貨品*更可享有多買多折優惠❤!數量有限,快行動吧!
💖正價或特價貨品 (*K金及搪瓷首飾除外)
- 購買2件正價或特價貨品,即享85折優惠 (輸入Promo code: ex15%for2ES20)
- 購買3件正價或特價貨品,即享75折優惠(輸入Promo code: ex25%for3ES20)
- 購買正價或特價貨品滿$4800,即享65折優惠(輸入Promo code: ex35%for4800ES20)
- 購買2件或以上K金及搪瓷首飾,即享9折優惠 (輸入Promo code: ex10%for2kgemES20)
1. 此優惠推廣期為2021年3月1日至4月30日(香港時間)
2. 此優惠只適用於www.poppisonline.com、尖沙咀LCX分店及金鐘廊分店
3. 此優惠不能兌換成現金
4. 如有任何爭議, POPPIS / POPPIS Limited 將會擁有此優惠的最後決定權
【🎉 Buy More Save More with Extra Sales 2021】
It’s perfect time to get your favorite jewelry 🛍🛍🛍! From now on to 30 April, customers can enjoy a wide selection of selected items up to 70% off and EXTRA discount on all items*! Buy more Save More. Come and shop now!
💖Regular priced and discounted items (*Exclude karat gold and enamel items)
- Receive 15% OFFwith purchase of 2 regular priced or discounted items (Enter Promo code: ex15%for2ES20)
- Receive 25% OFFwith purchase of 3 regular priced or discounted items (Enter Promo code: ex25%for3ES20)
- Receive 35% OFF with a spending over HK$4800on regular priced or discounted items (Enter Promo code: ex35%for4800ES20)
💖 *Karat gold and enamel items
- Receive 10% OFF with purchase of 2 regular price items(Enter Promo code: ex10%for2kgemES20)
Terms & Conditions Apply
- This promotion is valid from 1 March - 30 April 2021(Hong Kong Time)
- This promotion can only be used at www.poppisonline.com and at LCX and Lab Concept.
- This promotion is not exchangeable for cash.
- Free gifts will be given out as first come first serve basis while stock lasts.
- In case of any dispute, POPPIS / POPPIS Limited reserves the right of final decision.