2018 CNY Promo

From 1 February - 2 March 2018, you can enjoy the following offers

1️⃣ Spend over $1200 (net purchase) on regular price items to receive a FREE silk & sterling silver bracelet (value of $380)

2️⃣ 5% off on spending over $2000 on regular price items

3️⃣ 10% off on on spending over $3000 on regular price items and receive a FREE flower sterling silver charms (value of $580). Plus, become VIP and enjoy array of VIP offers.

Shop Address:
- Shop G23, Mira Place One, Tsim Sha Tsui, 11am - 9pm
- Kisok D, L1, Man Yee Arcade, 68 Des Voeux Road Central, Central, 10am - 8pm
- Kiosk 19, 3/F, LCX, Ocean Terminal, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui (Outside LCX Plus Store), 10am - 10pm
- Online store: www.poppisonline.com

* Terms & Conditions Apply

1. This promotion is valid from 1 February to 2 March 2018 (Hong Kong Time)
2. This promotion can only be used at www.poppisonline.com and at Mira Place, LCX and Man Yee Arcade Store. 
3. For customers who purchased regular price items over HK$2000 at www.poppisonline.com, they will have to pay the full price first and we will refund the discount difference according to the check out payment method within ten working days.
4. This promotion is not exchangeable for cash.
5. Free gifts are available at first-come-first-serve basis and while stocks last.
6. In case of any dispute, POPPIS / POPPIS Limited reserves the right of final decision.


1️⃣ 購買正價貨品滿$1200,即送贈絲質純銀手鍊一條(價值$380)

2️⃣ 購買任何正價貨品滿$2000,即享95折優惠

3️⃣ 購買正價貨品滿$3000 ,即時成為會員,尊享9折優惠及送贈純銀小花吊飾一個(價值$580)

-尖沙咀美麗華商場地下G23, 11am - 9pm
- 中環德輔道中68號萬宜大廈商場L1 Kiosk D, 10am - 8pm
- 尖沙咀海港城海運大廈LCX3樓Kiosk19 (LCX Plus 對面), 10am - 10pm



1. 此優惠推廣期為2018年2月1日至32日(香港時間)
2. 此優惠只適用於尖沙咀美麗華分店、尖沙咀LCX分店、中環萬宜分店及www.poppisonline.com
4. 此優惠不能兌換成現金
5. 免費獲贈的飾品數量有限,送完即止
6. 如有任何爭議, POPPIS / POPPIS Limited 將會擁有此優惠的最後決定權